
  • 1 Cup lukewarm water
  • 2, 1/2 Cups all-purpose flour
  • 50 gr Melted butter or margarine
  • ¼ Cup of your favorite herbs and spices mixed
  • ¼ Cup sesame seeds
  • ¼ Cup raw sunflower seeds
  • 1 Tea spoon active dry yeast
  • 1 Tea spoon salt


1 – Pour water in a bowl, add yeast, and wait until it is dissolved. The water temperature is critical. If the water is too hot the yeast will be killed and if it is too cold the yeast cannot be activated. You may add a tea spoon of honey or sugar to help the activation.

2 – Add flour, salt, butter, herbs, and mix well to form a dough.

3 – Turn out the dough on a slightly floured surface and knead for at least 5 minutes. Kneading is important part of the bread making process. It expands the protein of the dough and give texture to the bread. For a hand making kneading, the dough is put on a floured surface, pressed and stretched with the heel of the hand, folded over, and rotated through 90° repeatedly. This process continues until the dough is elastic and smooth.

Knead Dough
Raised Dough

4 – Place back the dough into the bowl cover it with a plastic wrap or a lead and let the dough to raise and becomes double in size. The dough should be in a warm and humid place to rise. The time required for the raise depends on the temperature and humidity and, normally, is 1 to 2 hours. For a quicker rise you may put the dough bowl and a bowl of hot water into the oven when it is off. The hot water provides the humidity and heat to the dough and help to raise.

Spread the dough to your tray size
Use a roll pin to attach the seeds

5 – Remove the dough from the bowl and, on a slightly floured surface, divide it to 3 bolls. Cut 3 parchment papers with your oven tray size. Hold one of the dough portions in your hands and change the boll shape to a rough rectangular form.  Then lay it down over a parchment paper use a rolling pin to roll out the dough evenly to the paper size. Sprinkle generously sesame seeds and sunflower seeds evenly, use the roller pin to attach the seeds to the dough, and brush the surface with the topping liquid (see “home slicing bread” for instructions). Then let the dough to raise for the second time for another half of an hour.

6 – Use a pizza cutter or a sharp knife to cut each part to 1-inch by 1-inch rectangular form and bake in a preheated oven 400°F (200 °C) for about 18 minutes until brown. Cool to room temperature on a wire rack. Then break it down to small pieces. Keep in an air tight container or freeze it for future serves. The frozen snacks can be served without being thawed or toasted.


1 – Select your own favorite herbs and spices. Rosemary and thyme are common and popular. In this recipe we used a mixture of wild Persian herbs; Thyme (اویشن), Hibiscus flower (گل ختمی), Cumin (زیره), Khezre blossom (گل خضر), and Aalaale (الاله).

Mixture of 5 wild herbs

2 – Spread the dough very thin and evenly otherwise it would be partially unbaked or over baked snacks. Keep eye on the oven while baking. You may need to displace the cooking trays to let the snacks to bake evenly.

3 – This delicious snack is great with cheese, Mirza-Ghasemi (میرزا قاسمی), and Maste-Musir (ماست موسیر).
