Crab-apple is a wild species of apple tree with beautiful small red fruit that tastes bitter-sour.

Incredible sweet-sour taste of crab-apples, elaborated with orange taste, and flavoured with cardamom; excellent to eat on toast or as an accompaniment with cheese.


Makes around ½ kilo jams

½ Kilo wild crab-apples washed and cores removed

1 ½ Cups sugar

1 Teaspoon cardamom powder

1 Tablespoon orange blossom flower or ½ teaspoon vanilla extract


Wash thoroughly cab-apples and remove cores with a core remover or by a small sharp tube.

Crabapples’ cores removed

In a medium size cooking pan combine cab-apples, sugar, and cardamom powder. Add 1/4 cup water and cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes until crab-apples are cooked and syrup thickens.

Add one tablespoon orange blossom stir well and turn off the heat


if cab-apples are over ripen, the fruits will be disintegrated and their beautiful shapes will be lost.
