This is the cake I like


Makes one 8-inch two layer cake

Dry materials

2 Cups wheat flour

1 Teaspoon baking powder

½ Teaspoon baking soda

Pinch of salt

Cake cream

2 Cups brown sugar

½ Pound butter

4 Large eggs

½ Cup unsweetened chocolate melted at room temperature

½ Cup chopped walnuts

½ Cup full fat natural yogurt


1 Cup semi-sweet chocolate

¼ Cup full fat dehydrated yogurt or sour cream


In a medium size bowl add flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and mix well set aside.

Grease two 8-inch diameter baking pan set aside.

Turn on the oven and set the baking temperature to 360 °F (180 °C).


Add brown sugar and butter in the mixer bowl. Using the wire hook beat with high speed until fluffy.

Add eggs one by one, mix well, then add vanilla extract, and continue to mix.

Remove the bowl from mixer add half of the flour and continue to mix slowly with a spatula then add half of the yogurt. Continue to mix until all flour and yogurt are incorporated . Do not over mix.

Divide the mixture into two parts and pour them in two baking pans, spread evenly, and bake on medium level rack for 25-30 minutes or until gold and brown. Remove the cake from oven, transfer on a cooling rack that allows the air to flow around, and let it to cool to room temperature. If needed, trim extras and imperfections with a sharp knife to make two equal size round disks.


This chocolate icing gives you a smooth texture for spreading and filling one layer between two cake parts and a coating for top and sides.

In a small cooking pan melt 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate over steam until just melted. Set aside to cool to room temperature.

Add half of the dehydrated yogurt into the chocolate mix well. Add the second half and continue to mix until smooth. This icing should be used immediately.


Place on of the two cakes upside down and spread an even layer of icing on top using spatula.

Place the second cake on top and spread another layer on top as well as coating the sides of the cake with icing.

Keep in refrigerator overnight or at least for few hours before serving.

Note: to make the dehydrated yogurt pour one cup full fat natural yogurt in a coffee filter and let the juice to drain.
