
Makes ten 750 ml-bottles wine. Roughly one kg grape makes one bottle of wine.

10 Kg black or red grapes

1 Cup honey or sugar

1 Teaspoon wine yeast or regular bread yeast

1/2 Teaspoon cloves

1  Teaspoon cardamom powder



Wash grapes thoroughly with cold water and spread them on kitchen towels on the counter or in the sun to dry.

Safire Black Grapes

Remove the grape stems and keep a couple to be added to the mixture

Wash, dry, and sanitize a 20-litre pail or a fermentation jug


Crash the grapes in a blender adding honey and pour the mixture (called MUST) into the fermentation jug. Crashing releases the grape juice for better fermentation and the skin colour that enhances the wine colour. If the grapes are not seedless you need to use another option to crash the grapes. You could use your feet by stepping on the grapes or use your hands. The industry uses a mechanical crasher.


Add yeast, cardamom, cloves, a couple of grape stems, to the mixture and stir well.

The Must

Cover with a cheese cloth and place in a warm place.

After a couple of days the fermentation will start and bobbles appear at the surface of the mixture.

Active Fermentation

Stir frequently every day to let the fermentation gases to be exhausted.

After 7 to 10 days period you will see a change on the surface of the mixture. Bobbles are not appearing anymore and the surface of the mixture become clear liquid.

Fermentation Done

At this point the fermentation is almost completed and you need to stop the process and to filter out the wine liquid


Filter out the wine liquid from the solid materials using cheese cloth or similar items.

Use Cheese cloth to extract the liquid


At this stage the liquid has to be isolated from air and be kept in a dark cool place. Pour filtered liquid into a 10 litre carboy or a similar container. Tight with a rubber stopper with twin bubble airlock to let the gases (if any) to exhaust but prevents the air (oxygen) to reach to the liquid. The liquid should rest in this condition for at least one month. You will notice that the wine becomes clear and the sediments settle down to the bottom of the carboy.


Wash, dry, and sterilize the wine bottles. You could use an oven with 175 degree Fahrenheit (80 Centigrade) to sanitize the bottles for about 5 minutes. Corks can be sanitize in a microwave for a minute. Use alcohol swabs for bottle caps with metals.

Bottle Sterllization

Suction the wine from the carboy into the wine bottles


Cork bottles with a corker and keep them in a dark-cool place for at least another 6 months.

Enjoy It!
