
Garlic Flavoured Olive Oil

1 Cup extra virgin olive oil

2 medium size garlic cloves shredded


1 Cup lukewarm water

2, 1/2 Cups all-purpose flour

50 gr Melted butter or margarine

¼ Cup of your favourite herbs and spices mixed

¼ Cup sesame seeds

1 Tea spoon active dry yeast

1 Tea spoon salt


Garlic Flavoured Olive Oil

Pour one cup of olive oil and the shredded garlic in a small cooking pan. Cook in low heat for a few minutes until the garlic is golden and the olive oil absorbs the garlic flavour. Let cool to room temperature.

Garlic Flavoured Olive Oil


Pour water in a bowl, add yeast, and wait until the yeast is dissolved. Add flour, salt, butter, herbs, sesame seeds and mix well to form a dough. Turn out the dough on a slightly floured surface and knead for at least 5 minutes until the dough is elastic and smooth.


Place back the dough into the bowl cover with a plastic wrap or a lead and let the dough to raise and becomes double in size.

Raised Dough

Remove the dough from the bowl and on a slightly floured surface divide it to 6 bolls. Cut 2 parchment papers with your oven tray size.

Form bolls to small baguettes and lay them down on backing pans.  Brush with olive oil and let to raise for another 10 minutes.

Use both hands to make a baguette dough

Bake in a preheated oven at 400 degree Fahrenheit (200 degree centigrade) for 10 to 15 minutes or until the surface of the baguettes is light brown.

Let the baguettes cool to room temperature then slice them in ½ inch (1-Centimetre) thickness on a cutting board.

Sliced Baguettes

Brush both sides of the slices with the garlic flavoured olive oil, lay them down on cooking trays, and bake at 350 Fahrenheit for 10 minutes or until gold and brown.

This delicious snack is great with cheese, Mirza-Ghasemi (میرزا قاسمی), and Maste-Musir (ماست موسیر).

Enjoy It


Select your own favourite herbs and spices. Rosemary and thyme are common and popular. In this recipe we used a mixture of wild Persian herbs; Thyme (اویشن), Hibiscus flower (گل ختمی), Cumin (زیره), Khezre blossom (گل خضر), Persian Pomegranate Flower, and Aalaale (الاله)

Persian Wild Herbs

It would be much easier if you make the dough with an electric stand mixer.
