Ingredients for 2 Litres Ice Cream

1 Litre milk 3-4 % fat

1 cup sugar

½ cup pistachio, shells removed, and chopped to 3-4 mm size

½ teaspoon cardamom flour

½ teaspoon salep flour (ثعلب)

1 tablespoon rose water

1 pinch saffron powder

¼ cup 35% cream



Keep the mixing bowl of ice cream maker in deep freeze for at least 24 hours

In a large carafe or jar add cardamom flour, saffron, and salep to sugar and mix well

Sugar, Cardamon, Saffron, and Salep mixed

Add milk and rose water and stir until sugar is dissolved in milk

Ice Cream Liquid

Keep in refrigerator over night

Pour ¼ cup whole cream to a 20 cm diameter flat dish and place it in deep freeze


Bring the mixing bowl out of deep freeze, place it to the machine, and make the ice cream maker ready to work

Turn on the machine, bring the sugar mixture liquid out of refrigerator, and pour slowly to the mixing bowl

After 10 minutes add chopped pistachios

If the mixing bowl is well frozen and the liquid is chilled, it takes 20 to 30 minutes for the ice cream maker to convert the liquid to ice cream. The liquid volume will be increased during the process. This increased may be 50% to 75% in size

Ice Cream Liquid
Ice Cream

Break the frozen cream to small flaks and add it to the mixture bowl

Persian Ice Cream

Transfer the ice cream to an air tight container and keep it in deep freeze for another 24 hours.


Salep is a flour made from the tubers of the orchid genus (See Wikipedia for more information).

Make sure that your ice cream maker has the volume capacity of at least 2 litres. Otherwise reduce the amounts of ingredients proportion to the size of your ice cream maker

Enjoy It!
