A wonderful vegetarian dish from Gilan

Ingredients for serving 8 people as an appetizer

  • 4 Medium to large eggplants
  • 4 Medium size tomatoes peeled and diced
  • 1 Small garlic
  • 2 Organic or free run eggs
  • 50 Grams butter
  • 1 Table spoon olive oil
  • 1 Tea spoon salt
  • 1 Tea spoon general purpose seasoning (See Crispy Fish and Vegetables)
  • ½ Table spoon pepper (optional)


1 – With a sharp knife cut a small slice from garlic head to open the cloves, pour olive oil, and wrap in aluminum foil.

2 – Wash eggplants, stab randomly with a small knife to let the steam out during cooking, and cut green parts.

3 – BBQ eggplants and garlic on a medium heat until dark brown. Wood BBQ is the best choice.

BBQ eggplants
BBQ garlic
4 – Let the excess liquid to pass
5 – Peel eggplants with a spoon
6 -Smash on a cutting board

7 – Cook tomatoes in a medium frying pan until liquid evaporate

8 – Add butter, eggplants, salt, and pepper and continue to cook until thicken

9 – Scramble eggs in a small frying pan, mix well, and cook until fluffy

Scrambled eggs

10 – Mix eggplants and eggs briefly and serve with home-made snacks or toasted pita bread

Enjoy It!
