Turning simple ingredients into something wonderful to eat. No baking

Tahini (Arde)1 CupWell mixed and soft
Walnut 1/2 CupChopped in 3 to 4 mm
Bread 3 Cups, 6 SlicesChopped in 10 mm cubes
Dates2 Cupssoft and pitted
Sesame Seeds4 TBSPFor sprinkle


1 – In a large bowl add bread, tahini, walnut, and dates. Mix well with your fingers until bread absorbs tahini and dates. This would be a sticky stuff and you should prepare yourself for a little bit of mess. You may use a stand mixer using the flat beater hook.

2 – Spread the sesame seeds in a plate. Form a small size, one inch, ball of mixed material with your hands and roll it on the sprinkle plate to be covered with a layer of sesame seeds. Continue for the rest.

3 – Transfer the Chang-mall balls in air tight container or a serving plate. You may keep it in refrigerator for future serving.

4 – Optional: add 1 TBSP of black seeds (siaah-danè) to the sesame seeds at the step 2 for a real Persian taste.

Chang-mall name came from the way it is made. Chang means fingers and mall is mixing (rubbing to mix). Compared to its volume, Chang-mall has lots of calories for you to burn. Easy to carry, as snacks, for a long day adventure or any day of hard physical work .
