Water3 CupsLukewarm
Wheat Flour6 CupsAll Purpose
Wheat Bran1 cup
Salt1 TBSP
Sunflower Seeds1/4 CupOptional
Olive Oil3 TBSPExtra Virgin
Sesame Seeds1 TBSPRaw
Topping Liquid 1/2 CupSee Instruction in Barbari
Yeast1 TBSPActive Dry

1 – Pour 3 cups of lukewarm water in the mixer bowl. Add the yeast. Wait until the yeast is dissolved. The time it needs depends on the water temperature and the type of yeast being used. The water temperature is critical. If the water is too hot the yeast will be killed and if it is too cold the yeast cannot be activated. You may add a tea spoon of honey or sugar to help the activation.

2 – Add 5 cups of flour, 1 cup of wheat bran, and salt.

3 – Use spiral dough hook of the mixer and mix the ingredient at low speed, the step 2 of the speed range. Add the 1 cup remainder of the flour little by little until the dough is formed. Then add the olive oil and the sunflower seeds (optional) and continue to mix .

4 – The dough is ready when it is homogenous and attaches to the hook forming a dough spiral.

5 – Separate the bowl from the mixer and let the dough to rise and becomes double in size. The dough should be in a warm and humid place to rise. The time required for the rise depends on the temperature and humidity and, normally, is 1 to 2 hours. For a quicker rise you may put the dough bowl and a bowl of hot water into the oven when it is off. The hot water provides the humidity and heat to the dough to rise. Or just cover the dough and leave at the counter to rise.

6 – Then empty the dough on a slightly floured surface, divide it to two, and start the Kneading process. Kneading is important part of the bread making process. It expands the protein of the dough and give texture to the bread.

7 – Brush the insides of the bread pans with oil and transfer the divided and kneaded doughs into them. Form the dough to the pan size with your fingers. Brush generously the surface of the dough with the topping liquid and spread the sesame seeds evenly. The topping liquid bounds the sesame seeds to the bread surface. Without topping liquid, the seeds drop off the bread after it is cooked. At this stage the dough covers half of the bread pan. Then let the dough to rise for the second time. After the second rise the bread pan becomes almost full.

8 – Preheat the oven to 400 °F and bake the dough at the middle rack for 35 minutes. The exact baking time depends on the type and age of your oven. At least for the first time, you should keep eye on it. When the top of the bread becomes brown the bread is ready. You may need some adjustments to the temperature and baking time for the second baking.

9 – Remove the breads from the pans, lay them on a rack that allows the air to flow around, and let them to cool at the room temperature for several hours. Be patient and let the bread to rest and to cool off completely. If you cut the bread when it is warm it loses its humidity.

10 – Slice the bread on a cutting board with a bread knife to 1- centimetre -thick slices. Keep it in fridge for a quick use or in the deep freeze for longer periods. The frozen slices can be toasted for serving.
